The Saunders Company

Since 1993

How it all started

1993 Todd Saunders started The Saunders Company. After working in the industry, during and after college. He enjoyed the work, the challenges and opportunity to help build communities. Todd decided it was time to create his own firm. Starting small, he slowly attracted the type of people he envisioned would help him build the company he sought to achieve.

1997 The industry was growing and so was The Saunders Company. By 2001, annual revenues exceeded 10 million dollars. Performing a blend of private, residential, public and commercial projects, The Saunders Company also ventured into the rock-crushing business in Dundee.

2004 The Saunders Company saw the need to add “in-house” engineering and surveying to provide a Design-Build option to its clients. Until the recession, this business model proved to be a welcome addition to The Saunders Company and its developers.

2010 The Saunders Company enjoyed growth and diversity that truly differentiated itself from the competition. A vast knowledge of civil construction, mining, engineering and surveying allows The Saunders Company to understand our clients’ projects at every level. Whether it is helping our clients make prudent acquisition decisions of raw land, reviewing design or building the project, we give our clients a peace of mind that rarely comes with civil construction. Of course, the “Great Recession” was tough on everyone in our industry and we were not immune from its wrath. We downsized, we survived and we rebounded by making tough decisions, prudent decisions and keeping our focus on bidding the best jobs for our company and our employees.

2015 Our growth post-recession can be accredited to strategic planning, good hires and our clients trust in our ability to deliver the highest quality product. The Saunders Company continues to deliver on that promise.

2024 Today The Saunders Company still has the best team of skilled professionals to maintain our legacy in the industry. The Saunders Company has been TESTED. The Saunders Company has the TRUSTED of our clients and local municipalities. And The Saunders Company has the pride of TEAMWORK to take us through the next decade and beyond.



We hire the best leadership in the industry.


We are committed to providing training for our team.


The Saunders Company culture of pride, safety and efficiency.